Thursday, May 26, 2011

Improper Boasting

Ephesians 2:9 (ESV) Not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

A number of Christmases ago I built an advent calendar for my brother and his wife.  It wasn't very fancy but through much trial and error I finally had it finished where it wouldn't fall apart.  I was very proud of that calendar.  It was the first (and so far the only) I had ever built.  When they opened their present that Christmas I began to tell them how I made it, how long it took, how many times I made mistakes, and I'm sure boasted too much for my own good.  It was my calendar made with my own hands.  If it was beautiful it was because I made it that way.

Sometimes we can have the same attitude towards Christ.  We claim that Christ saved us from our sins but then proceed to tell how "I" made the decision to follow Christ and how "I" wouldn't have been saved if "I" didn't trust in him.  It's amazing how we give ourselves the credit for something that we had absolutely nothing to do with.  Yes, we did choose Christ but He chose us first (John 15:16).

Even further there are some who believe that we can work our way into God's favor.  What foolishness.  TableTalk has a good explanation on this.
People who trust in their works think they can boast in them, but all such bragging is futile.  Yet those who understand that salvation is not of themselves or their works at all can boast properly (Eph. 2:9).  They can boast of the great mercy of God that was poured out on them when they least deserved it and give the Lord all the glory for their salvation (2 Cor. 10:17; Gal. 6:12-14).
The mercy and grace we have received from God is not given to us because we deserve.  That defeat the purpose of mercy.  Mercy is given when least deserved and so we who are reconciled to God through the death of His Son Jesus Christ should stand in awe of the greatness of the glory of God.  We are his children because He made us His children. Boast only in his great mercy and glory.  Amen.

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