Friday, April 29, 2011

God's Covenant People

Romans 2:28-29 (ESV) 28 For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. 29 But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.

There is an ongoing conversation on the covenant people of God that I am having with some individuals in my congregation.  This conversation may happen only a couple of times a year, but it is evident through our talks that we disagree.  It is even more evident that some individuals who claim to hold God's Word above all things in reality do not hold it as high as they believe.  Yes, I know this is a very straight-forward statement.  But let me let you know why I believe this is true.

As a church we hold to Scripturealone as the truth above all things (sola scriptura).  This includes current cultural views and my own feelings on subjects.  One subject, though, where some have held on to dispensational thinking is on what I would call the two covenant people of God.  No one would disagree that those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior, and Treasure are part of the covenant people of God.  But some still hold to the idea that the Jewish people, simply because they are Jewish, are also the covenant people of God.  They believe that God holds a special plan for the Jewish people which to me sounds very much like salvation without Christ.

But in Romans Paul makes it very clear that a Jew is not merely an outward thing (circumcision or anscestry) but is an inward matter of the heart.  This is made more clear by the note on Romans 2:29 in my ESV Reformation Bible.
"The work of the Spirit, issuing in a God-centered life, not hte opossession of 'circumcision' and the 'written code,' makes one a member of God's covenant people."
If we believe in Scripture alone as the foundation of all truth then we must be willing to change our beliefs to match that truth.  Challenging our beliefs with Scripture as the foundation is important.  God's Word outshines every culture of this world because it is exactly that, God's Word.  Not man's.  That is why it has lasted for a couple of thousands years.

So, are you willing to have what you hold as true tested by Scripture?  Are you willing to truly hold to Scripture alone?  Are you willing to change what you hold true if it contradicts God's Word?  Or are you wanting to hold on tightly to you current beliefs because it's what you know and what you parents taught you?  Trust in Him and His Word.  They will not lead you astray.

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