Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who am I accountable to?

"But the thing David had done displeased the LORD." (2 Samuel 11:27)

David made a number of huge mistakes in the sequence of events surrounding Bathsheba. He wasn't away at war like he should have been. If he had been away then he wouldn't have seen Bathsheba taking a bath. If he hadn't seen Bathsheba taking a bath he wouldn't have lusted after her. If he hadn't lusted after her he wouldn't have slept with her. If he wouldn't have slept with her she wouldn't have gotten pregnant. And so on and so on and so on. Isn't it interesting that one mistake by David led to another which led to another which led to another.

My reading this morning is on accountability and this story of David proves the point that those of us in a leadership position should not only be held accountable by those we lead but we will be ultimately by God. It's interesting that I'm more afraid to have those around me hold me accountable rather than God. I know that God is watching me and when I do something against his will I know that he knows and that I will be held accountable for it. So one would think that I wouldn't do it. But when I know that a human being will be asking me questions about my life to hold me accountable I am more liable to stay on the path of righteousness.

So, let me ask you all a question. Why am I more afraid to be held accountable by a human than God?

One would think that being held accountable by the Creator of the universe would be enough deterent. But just like David I too often forget that God is watching. My hope for my life and the lives of those I am leading is that God is always at the center.

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