Wednesday, May 24, 2017

J.C. Ryle' Call to Make Christ Our All in All

"Alas, I fear there is a great piece of pride and unbelief still sticking in the hearts of many believers!  Few seem to realize how much they need a Savior.  Few seem to understand how thoroughly they are indebted to Him.  Few seem to comprehend how much they need Him every day.  Few seem to feel how simply and like a child they ought to hang their souls on Him.  Few seem to be aware how full of love He is to His poor, weak people, and how ready to help them!  And few therefore seem to know the peace and joy and strength and power to live a godly life, which is to be had in Christ.

"Change your plan, reader, if your conscience tells you are guilty; change your plan, and learn to trust Christ more.  Physicians love to see patients coming to consult them; it is their office to receive the sickly, and if possible to affect cures.  The advocate loves to be employed; it is his calling.  The husband loves his wife to trust him and lean upon him; it is his delight to cherish her and promote her comfort.  And Christ loves His people to lean on Him, to rest in Him, to call on Him, to abide in Him.

"Let us all learn and strive to do so more and more.  Let us live on Christ.  Let us live in Christ.  Let us live with Christ.  Let us live to Christ.  So doing, we shall prove that we fully realize that Christ is all.  So doing, we shall feel great peace, and attain more of that holiness without which no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14)" (Holiness, J.C. Ryle).

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