Ephesians 3:8 (ESV)
"To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given,
to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ."

"Set down, first and foremost, in your minds that there are unsearchable riches in Christ's person. That miraculous union of perfect Man and perfect God in our Lord Jesus Christ is a great mystery, no doubt, which we have no line to fathom. It is a high thing; and we cannot attain to it. But, mysterious as that union may be, it is a mine of comfort and consolation to all who can rightly regard it. Infinite power and infinite sympathy are met together and combined in our Savior. If He had been only Man, He could not have saved us. If He had been only God (I speak with reverence), He could not have been 'touched with the feeling of our infirmities,' nor 'suffered Himself being tempted' (Heb. 4:15; 2:18). As God, He is mighty to save; as Man, He is exactly suited to be our Head, Representative, and Friend. Let those who never think deeply, taunt us, if they will, with squabbling about creeds and dogmatic theology. But let thoughtful Christians never be ashamed to believe and hold fast the neglected doctrine of the Incarnation, and union of two natures in our Savior. It is a rich and precious truth that our Lord Jesus Christ is both 'God and Man'" (J.C. Ryle,
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