Sunday, February 28, 2016

J.C. Ryle on Christianity's Unexplainable Facts (4 of 4)

"When skeptics and infidels have said all they can, we must not forget that there are three great broad facts which they have never explained away, and I am convinced they never can, and never will.  Let me tell you briefly what they are.  They are very simple facts, and any plain man can understand them."

Fact #1 - Jesus Christ

Fact #2 - The Bible

Fact #3 - Christianity

"Whenever you are tempted to be alarmed at the progress of infidelity, look at the three facts I have just mentioned, and cast your fears away.  Take up your position boldly behind the ramparts of these three facts, and you may safely defy the utmost efforts of modern skeptics.  They may often ask you a hundred questions you cannot answer, and start ingenious problems about various readings, or inspiration, or geology, or the origin of man, or the age of the world, which you cannot solve.  They may vex and irritate you with wild speculation and theories, of which at the time you cannot prove the fallacy, though you feel it.  But be calm and fear not.  Remember the three great facts I have named, and boldly challenge skeptics to explain them away  The difficulties of Christianity no doubt are great; but, depend on it, they are nothing compared to the difficulties of infidelity" (J.C. Ryle, Holiness).

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