Friday, October 31, 2014

Church Values: Reaching the Lost

When I was young my family traveled to Mount Rushmore on a family vacation.  In a large crowd of people, I had been having the terrible habit of wandering from my parents.  Having been warned by them to stop wandering and to stay close to them I made every effort in my mind and body to not stray from their side.  Unfortunately, that didn’t last long.  As we came upon the sight of the four faces I was transfixed.  And where my parents turned into a store to browse I continued to walk forward.  It was a large number of steps of my little feet before I finally looked up to my parents, pointing at the mountain.  But the person next to me was not my mother.  I eventually found them in the gift shop and to make a long story short, didn’t leave their side for the rest of the trip.

The interesting thing about this moment in my life is that I didn’t even realize I was lost until I looked up.  So it is with the lost in this world we call home.  How does God’s Word define the lost?  What is our role in reaching the lost?  What is the point of reaching the lost?

As disciples of Christ, there are many around us who are lost and may not even know of their own condition.  Our prayer for us as a church is to glorify God by making disciples through reaching the lost.  Join us this week as we study God’s call for us as his people and may we be convicted, encouraged, and led to join the harvest of the lost around us.

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