Friday, May 23, 2014

All or Nothing

The University of Buffalo football team has been invited to a bowl game only once in its 102 year history.  In 1958 the team had a record of 8-1 and was invited to play Florida State University in the 13th annual Tangerine Bowl in Orlando, Florida.  But before they could get fitted for their new sports coats for the trip down south they were informed that two players on the team could not play in the game.  The lease holder for the stadium prohibited any African-American athlete from playing on the field.

The players gathered together in the basement of the university to take a vote on whether to play the game without two of their players.  Just before the slips of paper were handed out the players verbally voted not to go.  In essence, their vote said, “We bring all the team or none of the team.”  They had an “all or nothing” view on the issue.

In James 2:8-13 we see the same mentality when it comes to true and genuine Christianity.  It is an “all or nothing” deal.  If obey the entire law of God but fail at one small point we have failed at the law in its entirety.  We either obey the entire law or disobey the entire law.  There is no middle ground.  So, where does this leave us as believers?  How do I view my own sin?  How are we called to view our sin?  What hope is there for those of us who continue to struggle to obey the law of God?  What reassurance does God give our faith in this passage?

I would encourage us all to read through the first two chapters in James in preparation for what God is going to say to us this Sunday.  May He speak truth into us and may we grow in spiritual maturity through the hearing and doing of His Word.

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