It seems strange to talk of Thanksgiving in the middle of a South Dakota winter, but for disciples of Christ our thanks is not given only one day a year. As with that first group of settlers so long ago, trials push us to give thanks to our God. Though it may be difficult to find the little joys in the midst or after a trial in life, joys do exist. Sometimes they are obvious, as with the settlers in the story above, and sometimes they are difficult to find. But joys do exist and when found they should bring great thanksgiving to the one who provides them. God!
Over the past several weeks our focus has been on trials, troubles, and tribulations that come upon us in life. We have seen how the Apostle Paul has responded to trials and what God’s Word has to tell us about why those trials come. This week will be different. The passage this week, Acts 28:11-16, teaches us where the trials and troubles of life should push us: to our Source.
May God prepare us this week as we hear the truth of His Word and may that Word mold and shape us. May we be prayerfully prepared to meet the Spirit of Truth as we gather as His church.
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