Friday, January 3, 2014

The Procrastinator

When I was younger I had very bad habit of procrastination when it came to school work.  There were many Christmas vacations I would wait until the day before I was to return to the classroom to finish the homework I was assigned.  Needless to say, it was a very stressful and exhausting day.  There were many times that I did not finish all the work and paid the consequences on my report card.

When we think of procrastination we consider the work that could be done today but is put off until tomorrow.  How often do we think of the connection between faith in Christ and procrastination?  There are some around us who have heard and even understand the gospel message but are unwilling to take the step of faith essential for salvation.  The sacrifice required will mean rejecting what they hold dear today and so they put faith off until tomorrow.  Unfortunately, tomorrow never comes.

In Acts 24 we read about Paul’s defense before the governor Felix.  The contrast between Paul’s faith and Felix’s procrastination is astounding.  Never put off for tomorrow what is urgent today.  What is more urgent than your eternal destination?  Felix procrastinated and faced the consequences.  May we be prayerfully prepared for God’s prodding of our hearts toward faithfulness as we study His Word this week.

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