Theologian Derek W.H. Thomas tells a story of Hugh Latimer
(1487-1555), bishop of Worcester in England.
Latimer once preached a sermon before King Henry VIII. The king was not pleased with Latimer’s
sermon and demanded that he preach again the next Sunday in order to issue an apology
for offending the king. Below is a
section of Latimer’s “apology” he gave the following Sunday. The wording has been changed from Old English
to a more modern translation for clarity.
“Latimer then preached the same sermon he had preached the
preceding Sunday – and with considerably more energy” (Thomas). Years later he was burned at the stake by the
daughter of Henry VIII, Queen Mary, for his stance on the truth of the gospel
In Acts 25 and 26, Paul finds himself again giving his defense
before someone in power. This time it is
King Agrippa and his wife who have come to hear the words of Paul. Paul stands firm in speaking the truth of the
gospel message and boldly calls Agrippa out to believe. Do Paul’s words stir Agrippa to faith in
As disciples of Christ, do we have the same boldness as Paul or
Hugh Latimer? Are we willing to speak
the truth of the gospel message and God’s work in our life no matter the
consequences? This sinful world and the
dark forces of the enemy are constantly on guard to attempt to diminish the work
and glory of God in His people, the church.
It is in moments such as Hugh Latimer found himself that the church
rises up. Not on their own strength, but
on the strength of the One who is their Father.
May we this week be prayerfully prepared to hear the Word of God
and welcome the Spirit to change our hearts to become more like His.
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