"And not only the creation, but we ourselves,
who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,
groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons,
the redemption of our bodies."
Romans 8:23 (ESV)

Each day we turn on the television, computer, or radio we are bombarded with the reality of a fallen world. Ungodliness, hatred, greed, selfishness, and death pervade every aspect of the human race. This is the reality of the legacy of Adam and Eve. And yet in the middle of all this fallenness is a group of people who, though just as fallen, have been redeemed and made fellow heirs with Christ.
Creation "groans" for its redemption. It "waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God" (Romans 8:19). And along with creation the heirs of God groan inwardly for the second coming of Christ.
On June 10th a group of seven from our church will be heading down to Pine Ridge Reservation to hold a Vacation Bible School for the children of the community. Most of these children have no hope because they do not have Christ. Standing in the middle of a large group of children who have no hope makes my groaning come to a crescendo. Christ, come back. Bring all people to yourself. Renew my body. Renew my inmost being. Renew this fallen world.
But I must wait patiently. For God does not move because I ask him. He moves because it is his time to move. He has set the time of his return since before the beginning of history. It will not change because I ask.
So, as I wait the redemption of creation and my body, I will serve him with all of my being. I will love the children of Pine Ridge. I will share with others the work Christ has done within me. And I will wait.
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