Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 3: Where is Your Idol?

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

The verse above is commonly quoted by many Christians that I know, but do we truly read this verse to ourselves?  A treasure is extremely valuable and many of us would jump at the chance to buy a treasure chest full of jewels that are sold at the right price.  The parables of the hidden treasure and pearl are perfect examples of this concept.  In both parables the men sell all of their possessions to buy a precious and priceless item.  Jesus uses these parables to explain the worth of the kingdom of Heaven.  Or even more specifically he is explaining the worth of himself.  Jesus is the kingdom of Heaven and his worth is greater than everything we own.

Hopefully we would all agree to the concept of Jesus' worth.  But do we agree more through our words or our actions.  Now, I'm not one to say that we should sell all of our possessions, but what is Christ was asking us to do sell our most prized possession.  If we agree that Jesus Christ is priceless then we should eagerly be willing to give that one item up that always seems to get in the way of living our lives as if Christ is priceless.  I'm talking about idols.  Everyone can have an idol.  It doesn't have to be something expensive.  It can be a relationship or a material possession.  It can be vanity or pride.  What is the one thing that if Christ asked me to give it up for his sake that it would cause the most pain?

Throw your idol into the fire.  Yes, it will be painful, but in the end isn't the cause of Christ and his call on our lives worth it all?

You don't feel that you have an idol?  Just let me say this: As children of God we are called to obey our Father in every area of our life.  We are to live our lives with God's mission in mind at all times.  What's God's mission?  His mission is to glorify himself in all things.  What is that one thing in your life that is not glorifying God?  Are you willing to get rid of that one thing?  Where is your idol?  What do you need to do to give every area of your life over to him?  Now, those are some deep questions that will dramatically change your life.  And maybe even change the lives of people are you who do not know the worth of Christ.  That's living on mission for God.

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