Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Surrendering the Secret

In recent months the media focus on Planned Parenthood and abortion has brought about protests, opinionated blog posts, and caused a heated political issue to become even more so.  But this Sunday our desire at ElmCreek Community Church is to sift through all the heat and get to the crux of the issue for the church of Christ today: the love of Christ to heal from the spiritual and emotional pain abortion leaves in it’s wake. 

The words of David Altrogge speak strongly to this in his article on

"We must stop looking the other way when it comes to abortion.  Yes, it's uncomfortable.  Yes, it's awkward.  Yes, people will get mad at us.  But until we start talking about abortion and what it is and who it affects, we will never see change. 
"Until we learn to love the women who choose abortion, and the men who encourage abortion, and the babies who lose their lives to abortion - until we learn to love them the way Jesus loved us, we will never see change. 
"The lives of women and children are at stake.  We cannot remain silent.  We must love with Christ's love, the love we have been shown.  We cannot look the other way."

This coming Sunday we will be having a special guest and special focus.  Karen O’Kane will be giving her testimony and speaking of the healing power of God to overcome the shame, regret, and pain caused by abortion.  Join me in praying for Karen as she speaks of the truth of God’s healing power and may we as His church not only be a place where sin is condemned but points to the power of God to heal through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Striving to know Christ and make Him known,

Pastor Mark

Friday, October 17, 2014

Why Disciples Forgive

"The man I ate dinner with tonight killed my brother." The words, spoken by a stylish woman at a Prison Fellowship banquet in Seattle, amazed me. She told how John H. had murdered her brother during a robbery, served 18 years at Walla Walla, then settled into life on a dairy farm, where she had met him in 1983, 20 years after his crime. Compelled by Christ's command to forgive, Ruth Youngsman had gone to her enemy and pronounced forgiveness. Then she had taken him to her father's deathbed, prompting reconciliation.

Some wouldn't call this a success story: John didn't dedicate his life to Christ. But at that PF banquet last fall, his voice cracked as he said, "Christians are the only people I know that you can kill their son, and they'll make you a part of their family. I don't know the Man Upstairs, but He sure is hounding me."

John's story is unfinished; he hasn't yet accepted Christ. But just as Christ died for us regardless of our actions or acceptance, so Ruth forgave him without qualification. Even more so, she became his friend. (Albert H. Quie, President of Prison Fellowship Ministries, Jubilee, p. 5.)

Why do disciples of Jesus Christ forgive?  What does Jesus tell us about forgiveness?  How can I forgive someone who has deeply hurt me?  How are disciples of Christ able to forgive?

Join us this week as we study what God’s Word says about forgiveness.  We will primarily focus on Ephesians 4:32-5:2, but I would encourage us to read all of Ephesians before our time together on Sunday morning.  May the Spirit speak to each of us and may He prepare us to hear God’s Word and be transformed by the work of God in our lives.

John Calvin on the Unity and Distinction of the Trinity

"The Scriptures demonstrate that there is some distinction between the Father and the Word, the Word and the Spirit; but the magnitude ...