When Christ saves an individual a transformation happens. Sometimes that transformation is slow while
other times it is very quick. But it is
a transformation none-the-less. Like our
experience as parents, Christ enters and transforms the life of the
believer. At times this transformation
is difficult, but in the end it is always the best. And at His second coming the transformation
will be whole.
Christ humbled Himself by leaving His throne in Heaven to be born
in a manger. He is wholly righteous and
came to judge the living and dead. But
He is also the Savior of the world. He
is a life-transformer.
May this Sunday before Christmas be a time that we as His
disciples focus on His transformation of our lives. We were dead, but now made alive. We were lost, but now are found. We were enemies of God, but now are children
of God. Praise Him for sending us our