Ephesians 5:1-2 (ESV) "1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
This may be sacrilegious, but with the new year approaching and hoards of people making resolutions that they won't live up to, I thought it relevant to preach this Sunday on resolutions that Paul gives to the church in Ephesus. Paul makes it very clear in Ephesians 4:17-32 that the life we as believers are to live is one that is focused on our new life in Christ. We are to put away the old life which was lived in futility or uselessness. We lived our lives the way we wanted with no real purpose other than satisfying our own sinful desires. Our new self is focused not on uselessness, but on Christ.
In other words, we are to practice what we preach. If we claim to love and be a child of God, a true Christian, then our actions will follow our words. I have witnessed countless occasions where people will claim to be believers with their mouth and two sentences later will be gossiping or slandering or tearing down an individual. Yep, that's showing everyone how righteous and holy you have become in Christ. (That was sarcasm for those of you in Rio Linda.)
The body of Christ, his children, are to imitate their Father. Our Father (Isaiah 9:6) made the ultimate sacrifices of humbling himself by coming to this earth as a human and giving up his life so that sinful humans like myself can call him Father. Am I willing to sacrifice my life if that is the will of the Father?
Do you want the people around you to know that you are a child of God? Then act like one.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
When, Father? When?
Father, how easily we as your people get caught up in the now. We become distracted by personal feelings, desire to please others, desire to avoid conflict, and a willingness to keep the peace no matter the cost. When is the right time to stand? When do we, your chosen people, have the strength, desire, and kahunas to stand for what is right? We speak out of both sides of our mouth. One side speaks of peace and the price being too high to stand up. The other side speaks of micromanaging your work within your body. We seem to be pulling out the sliver of wood in our hand not realizing we are missing three fingers. We are focused on dirt under our nails while our entire body needs to be thoroughly cleansed. We are not yet white-washed tombs filled with dead bones, but we are seemingly dying because of our desire to please others. Forgive us, change us, give us the willingness to step out because your truth demands it. Remind us that we are to stand in your truth for the truth of this world is folly. When, Father? When will you move in the hearts of men and soften us to your truth? When will your people stand up for truth and your gospel? When will you convict us that words mean nothing if action is not applied? When will your people begin fearing your more than the person standing next to them? When will you open our eyes to your overwhelming glory, love, compassion, might, strength, and demand for total obedience from your people? When will you become more important than the feelings of the person next to us? When will you change me? When will you change us? When, Father? When?
For Your Glory Alone!
For Your Glory Alone!
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